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Health Care:

Solid experience and integrity

Knowledge, experience and integrity have been the key element behind the success of managing senior homes.

Independent and assisted care facilities expert knowledge in all the fundamental aspects of investments requires more than the usual real estate skills, because the purchase or financing of a retirement home for seniors is more like an investment in a ''going business’’ than a traditional real estate transaction. Richard Zaki has mastered this unique niche through involvement and hands on management skills.

Members of several real estate associations, Mr Zaki has negotiated and documented many management and pre-opening agreements, both from the ownership and operator sides of the transaction. If employment and labor relation issues arise, Neuchatelle Senior Care Management team can collaborate with the firms Employment Group to handle and resolve those issues.

In Quebec, Certification of retirement homes was mandatory by 2009, Mr Zaki has acquired the in depth knowledge and has been accredited by the ASSS (Agence de santé et de services sociaux ) All its residences are officially certified

Certification process accreditation (Accredited by the ASSS)

Invasive care treatments
Medication distribution and administration
Medical and non-medical treatments
Establish pharmaceutical services on premises
Maintain Doctors office in every project 
Recognized as Resource Intermediaries by the CSSS (Centre de santé et de services sociaux)
Extensive partnerships with local offices of the CLSC
Train orderlies to perform and manage medical treatments
Maintain high impact management team through our Managing Dynamics Program




















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