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Our mission

Neuchatelle's mission is to be the leading real estate investment management and partnership firm by outperforming established benchmarks and providing exemplary service to our partners.  

We strive to earn and maintain the trust of our partners and employees through our core values of integrity, commitment, respect, and innovation. 

Private Real Estate ownership

With decades of operating experience and quality assets under management , we have developed an expertise in real estate investments that ranges from equity investments in residential real estate and senior housing.

Every person at one time or annother has thought of investing and owning quality real estate property.  Equally, the challenge has always been to actually see it through. 

As managing partner, Neuchatelle is known for the depth and breadth of its experience, for building strong relationships and for protecting the business interests and assets of our partners. We take a multi-disciplinary 360 degree approach to uncover under valued properties and secure money making assets.  Neuchatelle has attracted its full-service program to many real estate investors and investment groups in Canada.

We specialise in multi family rental and have a boutique expertise with independant and assisted living senior housing.

You can count on our expertise to work on behalf of our partnerships seeking to invest into real estate properties.  We provide an extensive array of real estate advisory, property and management services.




















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